中国, 内蒙古, 鄂尔多斯餐厅/亚达尼工作室

亚达尼工作室(Yazdani Studio)发来了他们的位于内蒙古沙漠中的在建的鄂尔多斯餐厅项目资料。在以前的采访中,麦霍德·亚达尼先生说过,亚达尼工作室是最早一批到达这个新城市参与规模宏大的建设实践的公司之一,已经在那里有一个结构完工的别墅、一个音乐厅(也是即将完工)和这个餐馆。










(转载请注明来源http://www.ArchGo.com建筑实例 建筑图片 建筑文章翻译)

Yazdani Studio shared with us the Ordos Restaurant they are building in the Mongolian Desert. As I told you before on our interview with Mehrdad Yazdani, Yazdani Studio was one of the first practices working on the new city, with one villa finishing construction and also a Concert Hall and this restaurant (also nearing completion), public programs required by this huge development.


During the interview, Mehrdad told us about the importance of the central courtyard for passive cooling, required on this harsh climate. More details about the project after the break:

Sited adjacent to the Ordos Art Museum, the Ordos Concert Hall, and a boutique hotel, the Ordos Restaurant promises to become a crucial element in the fabric of the Kaokaoshina district of Ordos. The restaurant’s striking appearance - of a glass box floating effortlessly above a shaped landscape - owes its diaphanous presence to an innovative materials palette of high-tech glass that includes colored inner layers, dichromatic and translucent films, and ceramic fritting. Inside, this glass mélange tantalizes patrons with constant, subtle shifts of light - an appropriate visual complement to the restaurant’s menu, which encompasses three cuisines.

The 3,000 sm restaurant maintains its vital connection to the environment on several levels. Extensive solar analysis early in the design process established an optimal orientation for the transparent building, and a large green roof harbors an array of indigenous plants. In stark contrast to the restaurant’s modern architecture, the structural skeleton of a traditional Anhui house, purchased and restored for the project, stands at the heart of a central courtyard, provoking a lively visual dialogue and narrative for this exciting culinary destination.

版权:翻译 阳光
